Sunlight | The highest source of complete nutrition | EverEscents

Sunlight – The highest source of complete nutrition

The population of industrialized countries for decades has been brainwashed into thinking the sun is evil. They’ve been told to cover up their skin and to avoid being exposed to natural sunlight.

They’ve coated themselves with sunscreens which contain toxic chemicals, and taken extreme measures to avoid sunlight.

However, this advice has turned out to be completely wrong. Natural sunlight is absolutely essential for good health and without it you are far more susceptible to cancer, depression, obesity, osteoporosis and many other diseases.

Sunlight is a natural cure that helps the body maintain a high state of health.

But what about sunburn? People are only susceptible to sunburns when they have nutritional deficiencies caused by consuming soft drinks, processed foods, white flour, refined sugars and other similar substances.

It’s sad that many doctors are still telling their patients to avoid the sun and this process is killing them. It is precisely the sun that holds the cure too many diseases now considered epidemic in the Western world. We need more sunshine, not less, and while there is certainly such a thing as too much sunshine in one setting, the fact is that almost nobody living in modern cities gets even the minimum daily requirement of sunshine.

This is even truer for people who have darker skin. Those of African descents are especially prone to Vitamin D deficiencies since their skin naturally blocks a significant portion of sunlight radiation. That’s why black men have a much higher rate of prostate cancer than white men. Furthermore, black men who live in northern climates, such as London or Canada for example have it even worse. It’s virtually impossible for them to get enough Vitamin D since there’s not much sun to be found where they live. Keep in mind, dark skin was an adaptation for people living near the equator, where sunshine is far more powerful!

For a miraculous cure for sunburn, try lavender essential oil. It is best to drop it on, and then spread it using gentle pressure. After about a half hour or less, the pain should be gone. Wait until morning to shower and then reapply oil.

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