Ever wondered if those Raw desserts you are eating are actually good for you? We found this great blog from “Food to Love” that explains everything we’ve all been wondering!
It’s almost too good to be true – a thick slice of cheesecake, a slab of creamy chocolate or an oozy piece of caramel slice, minus the sugar, dairy and gluten.
Over the past year or two, there has been a huge increase in both the popularity and availability of raw desserts. The concept is simple – ditch refined, modified ingredients and replace with wholesome ones in their original state to change desserts from mouthfuls of empty calories to nutritionally dense sweet treats.
Initially, raw desserts started out as part of the vegan health food scene, with individuals wanting to recreate their favourite desserts that are often loaded with dairy and refined flours and sugars. Now raw treats have become a popular trend, popping up everywhere from regular neighbourhood cafes to health food stores and hipster hangouts. They are often clearly advertised, boasting a (refined) sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free dessert that you can enjoy minus the guilt.
Raw foods by definition are unheated or cooked at less than 40 to 45 degrees to maintain higher nutrient values, antioxidant levels and to aid digestion.
The base of the dessert is usually made from a combination of ground nuts and seeds, with a filling created from soaked cashew nuts or some form of nut butter with a blend of coconut oil. They are naturally sweetened with dried fruits such as dates, apricots and prunes, or some form of natural plant-based sweetener in the form of coconut nectar, agave nectar or maple syrup.
Aside from raw cheesecakes, slices and various bliss balls, one of the more mainstream trends is health-ified chocolate bars, made without sugar, gluten or dairy.
Finally, it is possible to have your cake and eat it too!
Blog sourced from: www.foodtolove.com.au